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One of America s most influential writing teachers offers a toolbox from which writers of all kinds can draw practical inspiration. Writing is a craft you can learn, says Roy Peter Clark. You need tools, not rules. His book distills decades of experience into tools that will help any writer become more fluent and effective. WRITING TOOLS covers everything from the most basic Tool Watch those adverbs to the more complex Tool Turn your notebook into a camera and provides more than examples from literature and journalism to illustrate the concepts. For students, aspiring novelists, and writers of memos, e-mails, PowerPoint presentations, and love letters, here are indispensable, memorable, and usable tools. Pull out a favorite novel or short story, and read it with the guidance of Clark s ideas.

About the Author

Roy Peter Clark

Roy Peter Clark has been called "America's writing coach" as his stated mission is to help create "a nation of writers." Since 1977 he has taught writing to small children and to Pulitzer winning authors from his mother ship, The Poynter Institute, a school for journalism and democracy in St. Petersburg, Florida. He is the author or editor of 17 books on writing, language, and journalism. The latest, all published by Little, Brown, are "Writing Tools," "The Glamour of Grammar," and "Help! for Writers," which is now also a mobile app. His work has been featured on the Today Show, NPR, and the Oprah Winfrey Show. More than a million of his writing podcasts have been downloaded on iTunesU. On five occasions he has served as a Pulitzer juror and twice has chaired the jury on nonfiction books. His honors include induction in the Features Hall of Fame, an honorary degree from Goucher College, and a stint at Vassar College as Starr Writer-in-Residence. His next book, due out in 2013, is "How to Write Short: Word Craft for Fast Times."

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