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Josefina has heard tales and legends all her life: rumors of gold and silver buried in the hills, and even tales of a ghostly Weeping Woman who haunts the countryside. But she never imagined that such stories might be true--until one day a mysterious stranger arrives at her rancho. This suspenseful tale is set in New Mexico in 1826.

About the Author

Kathleen Ernst

Emmy Award-winner Kathleen Ernst is the bestselling author of 35 published mysteries, historical fiction, and non-fiction history books for adults and young readers.

Kathleen's newest American Girl children's historical adventure book is Gunpowder and Tea Cakes, the first new story in years about Felicity and her experiences during the American Revolution. It is Kathleen's twentieth book for American Girl, and available from Amazon as a standalone paperback and as part of the Felicity 3-Book Box Set.

Kathleen's newest adult book is A Memory of Muskets, the seventh Chloe Ellefson traditional mystery from Midnight Ink. It is available from Amazon as a trade paperback, a large print hardcover edition, and as a Kindle ebook. The eighth Chloe mystery, Mining for Justice, is set for release this October. It can be pre-ordered now from Amazon as a trade paperback and for the Kindle.

Unabridged audiobooks of the initial three Chloe mysteries, Old World Murder, The Heirloom Murders, and The Light Keeper's Legacy, can be acquired from Amazon and Audible.

Over the years Kathleen's work has earned numerous honors, including an Emmy, a LOVEY, and nominations for Edgar Allan Poe and multiple Agatha Christie mystery awards. To date, readers have purchased over 1.7 million audio, ebook, and printed copies of her books.

Kathleen has a Masters Degree in History Education and Writing from Antioch University, where her self-designed program focused on nontraditional methods of teaching and learning history, with a special emphasis on historical fiction. She spent over a decade as a Curator of Interpretation and Collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin's Old World Wisconsin outdoor museum, a job that provided great material for her novels.

She lives near Madison, Wisconsin with her husband Scott (AKA "Mr. Ernst") and Sophie the feline muse. Some of her greatest pleasures include gardening, learning folk crafts, traveling to research new books, and hearing from readers. To that end, she maintains an extensive website, kathleenernst.com, an author's page on Facebook, facebook.com/kathleenernst.author, and a blog, sitesandstories.wordpress.com.

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